The Putnams
A Family Journal
Monday, April 27, 2015
Furniture Rehab: 70's(?) Thrift Store Chair

Monday, December 14, 2009

Merry Christmas 2009!
Once again this year has been very eventful and exciting for us. Here is a little update on all of us.
Zach- Zach is in his 3rd year of teaching. He teaches choir and guitar at
Amy- Of course the big news here is that Amy is expecting a baby girl! Little Matilda (we’re about 85% on that name) is due March 26th. Amy is nearing her 3rd trimester and that is always bad news for all of you (I get mean from here on out. Sorry… hormones and all that). Amy is in her 3rd year of nursing (no, not 3 years of nursing babies thank goodness), that’s 3 years of working as a nurse. She is still at
Tyger- Tyger is in the 1st grade and is very smart and above average in all of his school subjects. He has lost a total of 6 teeth (4 in the last couple of months). Last week he had a “Toothless Joe” party at his friend’s house. Any more lost teeth and we will have to puree all of his food! Tyger has been taking karate this year and is doing so well. Watch out for his karate chops! Tyger is still as energetic and happy as he has been since the day he was born. He is sensitive and caring and always makes our home a happier one.
Tatum- Tatum is 4 ½ years old and as cute as ever. She is very excited for a new baby sister, especially since she wanted a girl and knew it was a girl all along. Incidentally, our kitty is excited for the new baby as well because she will get a break from Tatum. Tatum is very, VERY attentive to kitty. Tatum is also taking karate but hasn’t taken to it quite as well as Tyger. Most of karate class for Tatum consists of her whipping other students with her belt, break dancing on the floor, and running in circles around the teacher. Ah 4 year olds… Karate aside, Tatum is the sweetest and funniest child and we love her so much!
Matilda- Tilly is getting bigger and bigger by the day, as evidenced by the fact that I can feel her jumping off my bladder and bouncing off of my ribs. I think she will be spunky, especially since Matilda means “mighty in battle.” Can’t wait to hold her in my arms!
Katherine Dander (Kitty)- Kitty is getting fatter and fatter, sleepier and sleepier, and more and more moody. But she is also very soft and purrs for us quite frequently. Love that kitty!
We hope your holidays are filled with happiness and love!
The Putnams
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
The Money Shot
I'm kind of disappointed because there were some good profiles and he didn't record those. I didn't know until I got home and put the CD-R in. Oh well. We're oober excited! We didn't have a preference on gender, but Tatum wanted a girl so she got her way!
Friday, October 23, 2009
Sweet Tyger
6 year old boys are the sweetest, especially Tyger who has always been especially sensitive. This morning he climbed in bed with me to tell me about his dream. It was a dream about a guy whose dog died and the man was very sad. Then Tyger told me an elaborate process (some kind of battle boys against girls) in which the winners were able to bring the man's dog back to life for him. He told me he was so happy he cried in the dream and when he woke up. Then he cried while he told me. My sweet little boy!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Cleaning Off the Camera... Finally!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009
With 3 You Get Eggroll
I know what you're thinking, spitting image of Zach. WARNING! Only read on if you want to hear me whine about my pregnancy!
This pregnancy has been SOOOOOO much better than my first 2. I've only lost 5 pounds instead of 15, and I've only lost 3 meals instead of... every meal. I attribute this to begging Zofran off of my doctor on the first visit, working which is a great distraction, and of course my magic Shakra hologram bracelet. Unfortunately I already weight 15 more pounds at the start of this pregnancy than my other 2, but I'm hoping to avoid a 70 pound weight gain since I have felt so much better. Surprisingly, that's all the whining I have at this time. I take that back, I am so fatigued my house is even messier than usual (I know, I didn't think it was possible either). So there you have it! Name suggestions are welcome but they must be unique/borderline weird or they will not be considered!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Hello Daisy, Goodbye friend

Thursday, August 6, 2009
2. Tatum was lying in bed with me until Zach came in. She threw her little arms around my neck and said, "Mommy, when daddy comes in here, would you go over to him and..." "Yes Tatum?"
"Give him a wedgie?" After I laughed, I told her that she should give him a wedgie. She said, "We'll both give him a wedgie."
3. Tatum came into my room from bed because she "couldn't see Tyger or dad ANYWHERE." She said, "I'm pretty sure a monster ate them. I'll never have a dad again!" I told her they were probably out putting the dog to bed. She said, "Well then I'm pretty sure the dog ate them. I'll never have a dad again!"