I know what you're thinking, spitting image of Zach. WARNING! Only read on if you want to hear me whine about my pregnancy!
This pregnancy has been SOOOOOO much better than my first 2. I've only lost 5 pounds instead of 15, and I've only lost 3 meals instead of... every meal. I attribute this to begging Zofran off of my doctor on the first visit, working which is a great distraction, and of course my magic Shakra hologram bracelet. Unfortunately I already weight 15 more pounds at the start of this pregnancy than my other 2, but I'm hoping to avoid a 70 pound weight gain since I have felt so much better. Surprisingly, that's all the whining I have at this time. I take that back, I am so fatigued my house is even messier than usual (I know, I didn't think it was possible either). So there you have it! Name suggestions are welcome but they must be unique/borderline weird or they will not be considered!
congratulation! Did this happen while we were there???
Eeeeew. Maybe... hee hee
Hey were you prego when we had dinner at Tahnie's? This happened so quick!...at least I think so...I'm not sure how long you've been trying. But anyway- Congratulations! And Happy Birthday too! Life is so good, huh!
Sure love you! Next time I'm up on Logan, I should come give you a massage!
Yes I was but I had barely found out. I thought I should be a little further along before I divulged. I would love a massage!
Congrats You cant take our name.. we had one planned for Laklyn if she was a boy.. and we are going to use it next time round, so Im not telling you but if by chance you hear it then to bad its ours.. ;)haha
I'll think of one you can have tho.. Love you guys and Im super happy for you!
Congrats Amy-I hope your pregnancy continues to not make you sick-also having a baby in March is so nice-you never have to be huge in the hot months. Also I have somehow seen that old movie about egg rolls and I remember that the little kid just says that line once in the movie and that is how it got its name and I thought that that was pretty lame-anyway random! Congratulations again!
March is the best time of year to have babies! Both my kids were born in March. Congrats!
Yay! Congrats, babies are great! I can't wait to hear what name you decide on. I love your name choices for the other cute two! And it will be fun to see what they look like, since you both have a mini-me, maybe this baby will be a mix! Haha. Good luck with everything!
Congrats! So happy you announced. I'm glad you feel better this time around.
You will have to give me some time to come up with some weird names. My husband is usually the expert on that one. Zadoc is kind of weird but cute. Pretty much any name from the bible will fit your needs.
I'm so excited for ya! So you knew at Tahnie's and you didn't say, but you dragged my pregnancy out of me last year at the same time? Not fair! Let's get together and do lunch sometime, so the kids can play. We'll drive up there if you want. Let me know what days are good for you.
Ohhh...your little family of 5! I guess it just shows that Kensey is TERRIBLE at lying and Amy is really good. :) Hooray for babies!!!
So I didn't realize you went back to private and google reader doesn't pick up your post anymore so I am a little late in responding... Congrats on baby #3. I hope you are feeling better and it goes fast!!! Your ultrasound picture really is one of the best I've seen. I love it!
Hey yah. Mine didn't update that you had posted either. I should be FIRST to congratulate you. Evan told me just the other day that he is dying to have another Putnam Cousin. He is also hoping that you will name that baby Mamy, since it is his favorite name to say. Hurray for the Putnams! And btw.... I hadn't realized.... 5 (FIVE) WOW!
My blog didn't update that you had been posting again. I love the new family pic and congrats on the new baby!
I know someone who just had a baby boy and named him.. ready for this. LUKE TOY YODER.. no joke. I still haven't thought of any good names, maybe just name the kid KID.. ;) Hope things are going great. We are trying to make plans to come visit Oct. 23-25. Let me know if that works for you guys =)
It's a deal. Will you guys be up in Kamas for any reason in the next little while? Let me know and we'll set it up.
I am so glad that we aren't the only ones that want original/weird names!! HOORAY for original baby names!!
Conrats Amy! I am always behind on blogging, and I'm so excited for you and your family! I hope you have a boy or a girl too! It's always fun to find out whether it's a boy or a girl, I'm not one for surprises. We find out what we will be having the first of December, so I'll have plenty of time to start buying my Christmas presents this year. New baby stuff! I love eveything that entails having babies past the first 5 months of pregnany. I'm always sick and this one has been the winner of the sickest I've ever been in my life. I hope everything continues to go great for you! You deserve it! Love ya, Jess
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