Tuesday, December 4, 2007

no teachy in park city

Well, Zach applied in Park City for a guitar teaching position. We just found out yesterday that they won't be hiring for it until next school year. We are majorly bummed. I was practically packing my bags. But now that I know we won't be moving next month, I am trying to adjust my attitude toward this place. Like a lady in my ward said, "So, your moving back to Utah to make even less money as a teacher and nurse?" It is true, we will be taking a pay cut when we move back, but some things are more important than money to us. And the paycuts we will be taking aren't nearly as bad as they might be in other professions. Basically I will be making $4 less an hour and Zach will make about the same if he is hired in Park City. Ah well, I guess y'all we be making a few more trips to Vegas to visit us!


The Crace's said...

Maybe you should try for Colorado. Then you won't be so jealous. Just an idea....

Brett and Meredith said...

Soooooo sad. We were really looking forward to it for you guys. Well, if neither one of us can get back, maybe we can find something for you guys down here. Not like you aren't suffering from horrible summers anyway...a few more degrees isn't going to make much of a difference. Sorry to hear the news, but sometimes these things make more sense down the road a bit. Hope to see you guys soon!

Wynter said...

that sucks, I really miss you guys and Im glad that tatum finally rememberd me.. I hope soon you guys can come back, you can always try later! Tell then I will just have to come visit you guys in vegas =)

Anonymous said...

At least your kids will still like me a little longer... plus, sometimes there is a bigger plan out there in the long run. You might not realize it for a while, but maybe these jobs are giving you guys experiences you need. But at least we won't be the only ones left in Las Vegas? If that helps.