Monday, May 28, 2007

Memorial Day

Hi everybody!! We are still having a wonderful time. We have a fun week planned full of adventure, excitement, and leisure. We took pictures of Sunny and Dave's place. We also took pictures of the car we are driving. It is a 1994 Pontiac Bonneville. Today we went to go to the Ko Olina lagoons but they were full by 7:00 a.m. because of Memorial Day. So instead we went to an army base up on the west coast in kind of a ghetto town. Right outside of the base are all of the homeless people camped out on the beach we told you about earlier. I (Zach) finally tried out all of my snorkeling gear, and snorkeled in not very clear water. Dave and I put our fins on and swam out with our boogie boards to some really big waves people were surfing on. We were only able to ride a few waves. The beach was filled with coral and rock, not much fun for the kids or Amy. Tatum cried the whole time, but I had a great time. Also included pics: pics of the kids before church. Talk to you soon! Don't forget to leave comments! We get really excited when people leave comments... Pictures in order: Sunny's street, Front of Sunny's house, back of Sunny's house, Sunny's neighborhood, door to our room, the car Sunny and Dave bought for us and other visitors to use, army base sign where we went, beach we were at, bums at the beach, coral with spiny sea urchant, angry Tatum, bony Tyger, ancient ruins (sand head by Amy), fat Zach and mad Tatum, lowest gas prices on Oahu, Church kids.


Sara said...

Hey Putnams! We loved looking at your beautiful pictures--you guys look great! Luke said he wants to go see you tomorrow . . ." wish we could! Speaking of seeing you, we'll be in UT August 22 through the 29th. Let us know if you'll be around, though it sounds like you'll probably be in Vegas by then. Good Luck with the job thing! Sara and Cameron

stephanieelmer said...

Hey, so I just wrote this long comment and then it erased it because I didn't have a google account. GRRR! Oh well. I pretty much said what an artist Amy was and how cute you all are, as well as Sunny's kids. I love the matching outfits they've had on Sundays. Do you live in an apartment or in like a guest quarters at Sunny's or what? Anyways, have fun...I'm bummed my other message didn't work. It was AWESOME!

jen said...

sunny linked me to your blog. i'm so glad! it looks awesome.. i am going to talk to my husband to see if we can come too! keep the pictures coming!! and all the kids are beautiful!!!!

Zach 'n' Amy said...

We live in a room that is separate from the house. It is a bedroom that has a bathroom in it. It is like a hotel room. We are really lucky my sister is letting us impose.
