Saturday, August 9, 2008


Heavenly Days we have been so busy. I haven't even had time to watch tv, heaven forbid. Thank goodness American Idol is over or I would have been so behind :)
I have so much to report on but don't have time to post now. Plus I have no idea where my camera is and this isn't even my computer. blah blah. Read on my friends.
I got this from my Tahnie's blog! I thought it would be fun and hope you will play along! Here are the directions:
1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you have of Zach or I. It doesn't matter if you know us a little or a lot, anything you remember!
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you.
It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about us, We'll assume you're playing the game and we'll come to your blog and do the same thing. Thanks for playing!


Sycamore Girl said...

Ok Amy. My first memory of you is when you first moved to Kamas (obviously) and I went with you and your mom/siblings back to Taylorsville to finish cleaning out your old house. On the way home we were laying in the back of your minivan and I was pointing out constolations in the sky. You told me later that your mom thought I was a "know-it-all". Boy oh boy was she right!
I also remember walking down the hall in the 9th grade and hearing you tell me that you would probably go out with Conor.
Boy oh boy were you wrong!

Zach: I remember you came to visit Mrs. Sylvester after you got home from your mission during Tapestry or Coral Connection hour. I was like, "Oh, he's SOOO dreamy!" And you were wearing some killer Doc Martins. How funny that my friend ended up dating and marrying you!

Tahnie said...

Amy-You introduced me to pretty much every scary movie I've watched. You got me hooked on plucking my eyebrows (sitting in the sink of course), Jiffy blueberry pancakes, and all the classic Audry Hepburn movies. We would write notes in our secret code (skip a line-remember?), Talk hours on the phone, we even liked and kissed some of the same boys. That never got us, however, did. Sparks would fly when we got in the kitchen together! I guess I should let you know after many years, you were right about sifting the flour. You should do it every time. EVEN if the recipe doesn't say so... :)

Zach-My first memory of you is at the airport when you came home from your mission. You said hi and just kind of stood and looked at me for a second. You were so nice but I was so intimidated! After that it's a big blur of guitar, singing, dating my best friend, and marrying my best friend. I still remember how nervous you were at the restaurant right before you asked Amy to marry you. I love that I was able to be there!

Callister said...

Amy, my first memory of you is when I first saw you and thought that you were one of the prettiest girls I had ever seen. I have always been a fan of your chin, even though you say you were teased about it.

Zach, my favorite memory (memories) of you were at school dances and you would bust a sexy move to "I Touch Myself." Loved it. Also when you and Brett sang, "If I Had A Million Dollars" at an assembly. I really admired you two a lot. If you ever talk to him, tell him "Hello" from me please.

Curtis Moser said...

When I try to remember specific memories about Zach, I strike out! My memory function doesn't work like normal people. It sucks. I have countless memories of him in the halls at dear-old South Summit High School, always with a hello and a cheerful smile.

Amy, for some reason, I always remember you at Michael's in Logan! I didn't have the honor of knowing you in Kamas!

Sarah said...

Zach-Remember jumping snowbanks in your dad's truck, Sunday afternoon jam sessions, biking the WRONG way on slick rock, sitting in the hot tub after swim lessons for hours, you daring me to kiss girls at swim meets, Boys scout camp. “what did one shepard say to the other shepard?” our Fresh Jive T’shirts...I'll have to ask Sarah about Amy.

Amy-Working at the drugstore together, swim team, I have pictures of you and Tyler in middle school sitting in the hall while he played for everyone though I don't remember taking them.

Jody said...

These are the first that came to mind:

Amy - Seeing you draw/doodle faces, specifically beautiful eyes during Tapestry. Your frustrations because your ride(Patrice) brought you to school late almost everyday to Mr. Alplanalp's class. Mostly I picture cheerful, happy, beautiful Amy all the time: in classes, cheering, and Tapestry.

Zach - I remember being out to the Pace's with GeNille, and you and some friends stopping by to visit Gennifer. We were probably in the 7th or 8th grade and both of us had a pretty big crush!

Tahnie said...

Hey remember the time when you use to blog and keep your readers up to date, at least a bit here and there. Man that was awesome.
From some of the comments I gather you've bought a house?
Someone's gotta give you crap. I figure why not me?! :)

Sycamore Girl said...

Yeah. What Tahnie said!

Angela said...

you've just been tagged, just go to my blog and copy and paste the questions to your blog with your own answers!