Friday, April 18, 2008

My 6:00 a.m. purchase

1 week ago, the morning after a 3 day stint of working, I was half asleep and half awake, but not sleeping enough to go to sleep. So I turned on the t.v. and it happened to be on a channel with an infomercial. A very convincing infomercial. So before I knew what I was doing, and before I had even rubbed the sleep out of my eyes, I was on the phone ordering it... that's right, the h2o turbo vac. But don't worry, because I didn't stop there... you got it right, I am now the owner of 2, not 1 but 2 h2o turbo vacs. You got it folks, it vacuums dry messes, wet messes, carpets, bare floors... egg shells, egg yolks, AND IT NEVER LOOSES SUCTION! How could I possibly only own 1 of these incredible machines? Well it came today... wait, THEY came today in the mail. My initial reaction after 5 minutes of using it? It really does have powerful suction. It's powerful, light weight, extremely good and space-age looking. It uses water as it's initial filter so you fill it with water, vacuum, then dump out all the crap you vacuumed up. The first flaw I noticed is that the main head of it is crappy, it suctions so powerfully that it is hard to push around on carpet. They tried to talk me into a better vacuum head on the phone, but I thought, "they can't push me around, they can't talk me into stuff I don't need!" and I said no. (I then proceeded to buy the second vac...) Sigh, so I guess this is would be my economic stimulus prize this year. I am such a sucker (no pun intended). On a completely different note, does anybody wanna buy an h20 vac? It's really awesome. Click below to see just how awesome...



The Prices said...

That is too funny. I think now you can have one for the upstair and one for the downstairs. Too bad I didn't see the infomercial earlier. Our vaccuum broke right after we moved here and a couple of weeks ago Dave broke down and bought us a new one.

The Crace's said...

Those commercials actually work?? I hope the Kirby Vacuum guys don't come to your house. They are very convincing. I almost a $1200 vacuum cleaner.

The Crace's said...

One more thing. I made my blog private, so ask for an invite next time you get on.

The Crace's said...

okay, so you can't do that. Just send me you email.

Tahnie said...

I made one of those purchases when Brad and I were first married...the Ultimate Chopper! It's powerful alright....the only problem is it turns everthing to a liquid state if you want it that way or not. Now I have my sights set on the swivel sweeper! Man that looks awesome! :)

Holmes Family said...

You are too cute Amy! Hey, you better send me your e-mail address! Take care, Jess

Cassie Jo said...

We are definately decendants of the late Ralph Loveridge. I am so happy that I am not the only sister who picked up the trait of buying things you don't need. You may recall my encounter with The Living Scriptures: 3 years and 1100 dollars later, I am now the proud owner of over 50 DVDs... :( Maybe someday we will learn.

Coby & Ash said...

That sucks.

The Newton's said...

That is hilarious. Was Zach mad because I know Austin wouldn't have been too pleased if I had bought two vacuums. Your blog makes me laugh every time I read it.