Monday, February 9, 2009

Step 1: Admitting I have a Problem

After a silly comment by a coworker about my always looking "so frazzled everyday at work," I self medicated by buying a pair of new shoes. Or 2. OK, 4. I have a problem.BUT AREN'T THEY CUTE?!?!


The Prices said...

Wow--that's a lot of shoes! They are cute though. Where'd you get them all???

Sycamore Girl said...

I bought Chris four pairs of shoes last week because they were all SO perfect. He made me return three of them. He just doesn't get it!
I'm glad you and I do.
So, do the shoes make you not look so 'frazzled'?

Tahnie said...

I especially love the first pair. Colorful. Daring. Fun. Just like my Amy.

Adam and Ashley said...

Who said that? For what it's worth, I don't think you look frazzled, but cute shoes.

The Tews said...

I think you should have told her that frazzled is totally the the new look (obviously her style is so yesterday) and that you intentially look like that for the photo shoots you do after work. It pays the bills.

P.S. I agree with Tahnie--love that first pair.

Tawna said...

Ok, who said you looked frazzled at work? I do like your shoes though, very cute.

Sue Shuppy said...

They're all cute, I personally like the tennis shoes. What brand are they? I don't know how you look at work, but I think your job would probably make you feel frazzled! I know mine does.

Emilee Pierce said...

I agree with your Mom, Amy! It's not us, it's the job! So there! Maybe they said that cuz you no longer iron your scrubs! Haha Jk. Don't start doing that again, k. :0) Em Pierce

Tina said...

They are cute! I think I need to self-medicate too :)

Sarah said...

Hey Zack,

I just saw this and thougt it would blow your mind. I didn't know if you've seen this before.

Unknown said...
