I have decided to take Holly's challenge to post about those things that bring positive energy into our lives. In case you haven't noticed, most of my recent posts show quite the opposite. And if you subscribe to the theory of the "law of attraction" you know that I am attracting more negative things into my life. I guess I have just been overwhelmed with it all... Starting a real career, working full time, moving to Vegas, having total responsibilities. I was very comfortable in my "student" life and I didn't even realize it. Well here goes!
1. Two nights ago Zach and I were driving home from SLC with Tyger and Tatum in the back seat. They started singing early on in the drive, and by the time we were passing Park City they were both singing at the top of their lungs (and totally different songs than each other, by the way) and of course Zach and I had to join in. Zach said to me, "Did you ever think we would be driving and our kids would be singing in the back seat?" I hadn't ever thought of it. I hadn't ever dreamed of it! In the words of Plankton, "Life is good, Krabs...life is good." On a side note, Tatum's version of "Bringing Home my Baby Bumblebee" is a can't miss... especially because she doesn't know what the words are ("won't my mommy ee so owd a me!")
2. A good hearty laugh. I love to laugh. If I get into a good laugh I like to keep it going as long as I possibly can. On the way to Utah Zach and I were singing (a big part of our lives, obviously (singing AND driving) "Cocomo" by the Beach Boys. We sung, "That's where you wanna go to get away from it all! Bodies in the sand" I stopped because I didn't know the next words, but Zach continued singing without missing a beat: "Tropical beach monkey in your hand." And then he went right on to "We'll be falling in love to the rhythm..." I said, "Did you just say "tropical beach monkey in your hand?" We both burst out laughing. I don't remember the last time I laughed that hard. I'm even laughing writing about it now. By the way, the real words are "tropical drink melting in your hand," although the "beach monkey in your hand" is a better visual...
3. Home--especially small town Utah. Moving to Vegas helped me realize how great we had it! I swear I can feel the difference as we cross the border into Utah. It is home. How great is it to know that most of the people around you share your religion, and your values. And while I experience more anti-mormon rhetoric in Utah than in Nevada, for the most part, people are respectful of my religion.
4. Those special "moments" when I look at Zach and I get butterflies in my stomach. And it's not comparable to when we dated... it's so much more! True it's not a constant love and hormone fest like it was when we first got married. But now as we have grown and learned together, my love for Zach is on such a deeper level. One of the song's on Zach's album was written about us and the ups and downs of our marriage. Last summer in Hawaii we had his CD going in the car and we looked at each other and all of a sudden there were tears streaming down both of our faces. He reached over and held my hand. It was such a small thing, but a moment I will never ever forget. It's moments like those that I feel like the girl on Jerry Maguire: "I love him! I love him for the man he wants to be. And I love him for the man he almost is!" Only I love him for the man he already is, but with the same enthusiasm as Dorothy (the character on Jerry Maguire).
Well I feel better even thinking about these blessings in my life. I continue Holly and her friend's challenge to (in Holly's words), "write about those things in my life that help me, remind me to FEEL happy, to be excited, to smile, to vibrate at a higher vibration." Thanks for the challenge, Holly!